We’ve had a lot of moose sightings and walleyes caught already in 2017, with about 10 weeks of the season left to go. The moose have been seen on the Gunflint Trail, near the bunkhouse at Rockwood Lodge, and in the Boundary Waters around Horseshoe Lake. Walleye have been caught in Poplar Lake, with a new secret spot that only our guests know about. Caribou and Meeds lakes are also great for catching these fish, making for a memorable trip into the BWCA.
Our cabins have been full so far and the bookings are tight for the rest of the season. Check out our monthly availability calendars and see if you can find a few days that works with your schedule.

Bring your camera! We have some amazing views that make every photographer happy. Our recent guests in Cabin 2, the Paskus’s, have captured some real beauties, including this shot of their son riding a stand up paddleboard with a rainbow behind him. Check out their company at http://www.candnphoto.com/
We’ve had some awesome guests already this year, come on up and be a part of Rockwood!