Canoe 91 for sale: Royalex 16′
Wenonah Adirondack two person 16’ Royalex We are selling an older royalex canoe. Royalex is a plastic composite that is lighter than aluminum and designed to bounce off rocks, etc. This canoe still have plenty of life in it and is perfect for rivers or just to leave at the cabin. Royalex, 16’ long, 60 lbs, with webbed seats and thick, bolt-on thick block portage pads. $800 plus tax (Canoe 91) |

Each fall, Rockwood Outfitters sells a portion of our rental canoe fleet. These canoes are generally 3 years old, and still have many years of paddling left in them. If you are interested, we will mark the canoe as “Pending” for a week. Once we have a deposit of at least ⅓, we will mark it as SOLD. We don’t ship canoes but can store your canoe over winter if necessary – canoes must be picked up before November 1st or between May 1 and June 1. –All canoe sales are final and are subject to MN sales tax.